Te Rata Family Farm is our home.
We are, Bert, Rebecca, James, Miriam, Lillian, Kohby-Hendrik, Sarah, Sammi and Andy Borger.
The farm is on 400 acres of hilly country just north of Paparoa, Northland. Where we raise free range chickens and graze beef cattle.
Our animals are raised in the most ethical and natural ways possible. We don’t use artificial fertilisers and limit the use of sprays. It’s a good life, based on faith, family, friends, the outdoors, hard work and good food. We know we’re extraordinarily privileged to be able to live in this way.
Bert and Rebecca moved north from Wellington in 2003 and in partnership with Rebecca's parents, Don and Jenny, converted the woolshed into a home and a 'run-off block' into a free range chicken and beef farm.
17 years later, James who was only a month old when we arrived, took over the chicken operation and moved it from supplying a corporation to supplying directly to the customer. The partnership with James and Bert and Rebecca, we call 'Share-farming', a bit like share milking but with chickens and eggs.
Because we believe strongly that all animals should be treated humanly; James on behalf of the business, has signed the international statement 'Every Living Thing'.
The Every Living Thing statement is a Christian document about the right treatment of animals, it highlights the importance of right stewardship.
Please check the statement out at - www.everylivingthing.com